Cloud Energy | 5KW Solar Solution (Installation & Delivery Included)

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350W Solar Panel X 12

200ah/12v Gel Battery x 4

5KW High Frequency Inverter X 1

80A 12V/24V/48V MPPT Charge Controller

Connection links directly with distribution board of home/ facility.

SKU: 5KW-SS Categories: , Tags: ,

5KW capacity Solar Solution is a complete solar solution with the capacity to power 30 energy-saving bulbs, 7 laptops, (decoder, wireless router, phones)- 10, 8 fans, 3 LED television sets, 1  fridge/freezer, 1 Horse Power Air-conditioner, 1 washing machine(or total load equivalent)) for an average of 8-16hours. Great for a 2-3 bedroom apartment, office premises etc.

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Cloud Energy | 5KW Solar Solution (Installation & Delivery Included)
