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2KVA, 24V Inverter: Provides reliable power supply for essential appliances in your home or office.

Two Tubular Batteries: With a capacity of 12V each, store energy efficiently for extended use, day or night.

Two Solar Panels (450 Watts Total): Harness the sun's energy to power your space with clean, renewable energy.

Seamless Transition: Say goodbye to power outages and hello to uninterrupted power supply with our comprehensive energy solution.

Sustainability: Reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener planet by adopting renewable energy technology.

2KVA/24V Cloud Energy Home Inverter
200AH/12V C10 Tubular batteries - 2pcs
450W Cloud Energy Solar panel - 4pcs
80A Charge Controller - 1pc


SKU: 2KVA BASIC Categories: , , ,

Introducing our comprehensive 2KVA Basic Bundle, a complete energy solution designed to meet your power needs with efficiency and reliability. This bundle includes a 2KVA, 24V inverter, two tubular batteries (12V each), and two solar panels totaling 450 watts. Whether you’re looking to power essential appliances in your home or office, this bundle provides a seamless transition to clean, renewable energy. With the 2KVA inverter at its core, enjoy uninterrupted power supply while reducing your carbon footprint. Harness the sun’s energy with the included solar panels and store it efficiently with the tubular batteries, ensuring reliable power generation day and night. Upgrade to the 2KVA Basic Bundle today and experience the convenience and sustainability of renewable energy.

Additional information

Weight 200 kg
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